Information Request No. NPH00-821/21.

You have requested the following information.  Our response is shown in bold.


Register of contracts

My current understanding is:

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 places an obligation on you to publish a register of contracts…

Request the link to or a copy of NPH register of contracts

We are not providing you with data requested, as it is exempt from disclosure because it is intended for future publication. At this present time we do not have the systems and processes in place to allow this register to be completed.  However, West Northamptonshire Council are currently implementing Intend.  When this system is extended to cover the contracts register this will allow disclosure to take place.

We are not obliged to provide information that is intended for future publication (section 22 of the Act). In line with the terms of this exemption in the Freedom of Information Act, we have considered whether it would be in the public interest for us to provide you with the information ahead of publication, despite the exemption being applicable. In this case, I have concluded that the public interest favours withholding the information.