Non-traditional housing

Information Request NPH00-1595/20

I am writing to respond to your request for information received on Wednesday 25th November which has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI).

Your request has been given the unique Information Request No. NPH00-1595/20.  Please quote this reference on all correspondence relating to this request.

You have requested the following information. Our response is shown in bold.

I would be very grateful if you can issue me a list of the Council's non-traditional housing stock, the type of construction and date of construction, in Northampton and the surrounding area (within your area of authority).

I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act. I am happy to receive this information on a spreadsheet.

Northampton Partnership Homes does not release details of dwellings into the public domain under FOI. It would be a breach of the Data Protection Act. We are however able to provide the number of properties by each construction type, please find this information detailed below.

Please note that we do not hold construction type data for every single property, but the vast majority of non-trad buildings are captured in these figures.

Non-Traditional Build Types:

Steel Framed:  38 (of which 27 are BISF)

PRC: 57 (of which Gregory 34, Orlit 19, Unity 4).

Wimpey No Fines: 868

Timber Framed: 2808 (including 210 MHC Houses, 171 Quickbuild, 21 Wilson B3,4 Swedish Timber).

The disclosure to you of the enclosed information does not give you a right to reproduce or publish such information without the express permission of Northampton Borough Council or any other owners of the copyright therein.  To do so you will need a licence under the ‘Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015’.

If you consider NPH has not provided the information you have requested you have the right to challenge that decision in respect of your information request within 6 months.

Please write to:

Information Access Challenges

Northampton Partnership Homes

The Guildhall

St Giles Square



Otherwise please email:  Emails to this address are automatically acknowledged.

If your challenge is not resolved to your complete satisfaction, you will then have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner.

If you feel your request has been handled unfairly you should, in the first instance, complain using NPH’s Customer Feedback form and address it to the department you have been dealing with. NPH’s Complaints procedure (a full copy of which is available by telephoning or writing to NPH’s Data Management Officer) will then be used to try and resolve your complaint.

Yours sincerely,

Santina Chambers

Data Management Officer

Northampton Partnership Homes 

01604 838794 | 0300 330 7003