Types of repairs

Repair priorities

When requesting a repair, we will place it into one of three categories, each with their own priority and timescale to complete.


An emergency repair includes:

  • work to remove immediate danger to people
  • avoid serious damage to the property; or
  • if it is required to make the property secure.

Timescale: We will attend an emergency repair within 24 hours. This may involve follow up works after making the property safe.

For urgent and routine repairs, we are doing our best to work through the backlog that occurred during national lockdowns, when we were restricted to emergency only repairs. We are making good progress with this and will update our expected timescales in the near future.


An urgent repair includes:

  • work needed to quickly prevent immediate damage to the property
  • overcoming serious inconvenience to you; or
  • potential health and safety or security risk.


A routine repair includes non-urgent work but it cannot wait until a program of planned maintenance takes place in your area.

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