We are commited to helping you
At NPH we are committed to helping victims and families of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is any violent or abusive behaviour used by one person to control and dominate another with whom they have or have had a personal or family relationship. This includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, verbal or financial abuse.
We have a dedicated team to support you. The team will deal with your case sensitively and non-judgementally, and will help you to access support from the police and specialist domestic abuse services where appropriate.
You can contact our support team on 0300 330 7003. You can also contact your Housing Officer through our contact centre and One Stop Shop on 0300 330 7003.
Other organisations who can help
There are a number of specialists organisations who different types of assistance, you can find details of these below. If you are in immediate danger however, please call the police on 999 or 101.
Click on the sections below for other important information.
P.C. Alice Meacham and P.C. Richard Markham can be contacted by dialling 101.
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service can provide safe refuge for adults and children fleeing domestic abuse.
To access this service:
Call the 24 hour helpline on 0300 0120154
E-mail - advice@ndas.co
Visit the drop-in service at 13-15 Hazlewood Road, Northampton, NN1 1LG.
Women’s aid has created a space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action. You can visit their website for further information.
NVCFR is a registered charity working with survivors of domestic violence and abuse since 1984. NVCFR is based in Northampton but takes referrals for Refuge accommodation from all over the Country.
You can contact NVCFR on 01604 230311 or visit their website.
Provides free medical and emotional support to male and female victims of rape or sexual assault.
Emergency support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can contact SSARC on 01604 601713.
The National Centre for Domestic Violence provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.
You can contact NCDV on 0844 8044999 or text NCDV to 60777 and they will call you back.
Eve are a local charity who can help in three ways:
Protect - Eve have been running a Family Refuge in Northamptonshire for over 35 years.
Prepare - the Restored Programme helps women who are victims of domestic abuse to rebuild their lives and prepares them for a future.
Prevent - Eve offers therapeutic group work sessions for women, children and families that help them to identify domestic abuse and to develop the resilience and confidence to change their lives. They also train professionals in a range of topics to help them help victims become survivors.
You can get in touch with them on 01604 230311 or by emailing admin@eveda.org.uk.
ManKind are there to support men who have experienced domestic abuse.
Contact them on 01823 334244, weekdays 10am to 4pm
Galop support members of the LGBTQ+ community experiencing domestic abuse.
Kama Nirvana support victims of honour based violence and forced marriage.
A free, confidential and non-judgemental support service provide by the police and crime commissioner to help victims of crime to cope, recover and thrive.
Their services are available to anyone affected by crime, regardless of whether this has been reported to the police or not, and irrespective of when and where it occured.
You can get in touch with them on 0300 303 1965 or visit voicenorthants.org.
Sunflower Centre provides support across Northamptonshire for those experiencing domestic abuse. They offer telephone or face-to-face support to help with:
- Understanding what domestic abuse is
- Giving advice on how to keep safe
- Liaising with agencies such as housing and the police
- Supporting you through the criminal justice system
- Practical interventions such as security assessments and civil advice
You can call on 01604 888211 or email sunflower@northants.pnn.police.uk.
Northamptonshire Rape Crisis offer support for people through the recovery process – whether they were assaulted recently or years ago. They provide help in crisis and long-term counselling to help you move on.
NRC provides support to individuals regardless of gender, age or sexuality. Run by an all-female team, they also offer a women-and-girls-only safe space.
You can call them on 0300 222 5930 or email info@northamptonshirerapecrisis.co.uk