Get involved

Get involved

Getting involved with us is a great way to share your views and help improve our services.

It can also help get to know people in your community and learn a new skill. You can give a little or a lot of time, at our community venues or from home, whatever suits you best. NPH currently have three Panels that we welcome residents to join:

Scrutiny Panel
This panel investigates specific services or processes to review how they work for residents. It’s a varied role which involved the following:

  • comparing our performance to other organisations
  • interviewing staff
  • talking to residents
  • commissioning surveys or polls to find out what other residents think about NPH services

The Panel then comes together to write their report and make recommendations to the Executive Team, which directly improves services for NPH residents. The group meet once a month as a minimum but may meet more often depending on the work that they’re carrying out.

Residents Advisory Panel
This group meets regularly to review and comment on upcoming changes to documents, policies, procedures and strategies before they go to the decision makers. This panel directly influences the way we do things at NPH. Attend every meeting or just for the discussions on topics of interest to you - its your choice. The panel meet every 3 months and ad-hoc meetings are convened for Policy reviews.

Assets Panel
This group meets regularly to specifically look at policies, procedures and decision making around assets including procurement of contracts, aids and adaptations and planned investment works.


There are also other ways you can get involved:

  • Complete surveys
  • Test our digital services
  • Connect with us on social media
  • Be a community champion in your neighbourhood


To find out more information please contact our resident involvement team on 01604 527073 or email