Give us feedback

We value all types of customer feedback


Northamptonshire Partnership Homes (NPH) manage over 11,300 social housing homes on behalf of West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) as an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO). NPH’s Complaints and Feedback Policy sets out a clear and easy approach for anyone wishing to give feedback about the housing services provided by NPH on behalf of WNC, be it a compliment, comment, complaint, MP/Councillor Enquiry or service request.

We encourage any comments or suggestions you may have to help us review and improve the services we provide.


Comments and Compliments

Leave a comment
A comment is a suggestion or statement about our services, a decision that have made or a policy we have released.

Share a compliment
We like to hear when we have done something well so that we can share this with our teams and make sure that we learn from our successes.

Click here to make a comment or compliment


Service Requests

A service request is when you first make a request to NPH to put something right, fix a problem or reconsider a decision. A service request is not a complaint and will be passed to the responsible team to action.

Some examples of a service request would be:

  • Requesting a repair
  • Reporting anti-social behaviour
  • Applying for a garage
  • Requesting adaptations to your home

If you wish to request a service, please visit our home page where you can access a number of services, such as those detailed above. However, if you are not sure who to contact you can contact us and we will ensure that your request gets to the right team.



We always strive to deliver an outstanding service but realise that there may be occasions when things go wrong. A complaint is a way of sharing your dissatisfaction with our service, actions, or lack of action. This would include services provided by our own staff, or those acting on our behalf. Complaints give us an opportunity to put things right and help us to review and improve our services.

To ensure a high standard of service for residents, NPH handle complaints following the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code. You can find more information on our complaint handling performance against the Code on our 'complaints performance' web page.

NPH’s Complaints and Feedback Policy covers those services which come under the jurisdiction of the Housing Ombudsman. The housing services within the scope of this Policy include:

  • Repairs and work being carried out to your home
  • Concerns about property condition
  • Issues about how your tenancy is being managed
  • Communal area cleaning or repairs
  • Tree and grounds maintenance
  • Rent payment and collection or service charges
  • Leasehold services
  • How reported incidents on anti-social behaviour are being managed
  • Mutual exchanges
  • Aids and adaptations
  • A complaint you have already raised
  • NPH staff or contractor behaviour
  • Complaint about how a request for information has been handled

WNC provide the housing services listed below which are under the jurisdiction of the Local Government Ombudsman and are therefore not within the scope of NPH’s Complaints and Feedback Policy:

  • Housing applications and allocations
  • Temporary accommodation
  • Homelessness services and support
  • Private sector housing

Complaints about the housing services provided by WNC will follow their Customer Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy. For more information about WNC's Policy, please visit their website


How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint by calling us, writing to us or via the link below. If you choose to write a letter, please make sure you leave your contact details alongside the complaint. You can find our contact details on our contact us page.


Click here to make a complaint

Click here to view our Complaints Leaflet

Click here to view our Complaints Leaflet in large print

Click here to view our full Complaints and Feedback Policy


What happens when I make a complaint?

Stage 1

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days.

The complaint will be investigated by a Team Leader or Manager, who may ask you for more information while dealing with your complaint.

We will provide a full written response within 10 working days of your complaint being acknowledged. If this is going to take longer, we will contact you to let you know when you can expect to hear from us.

Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the Stage 1 response, you can ask for a further review of your complaint. You must do this within 21 days of receiving the Stage 1 response. This review will be carried out by a Head of Service or Director who will review the Stage 1 response and provide a written response to the escalated complaint.

We will acknowledge a Stage 2 complaint within 5 working days of your request to escalate and tell you who will be conducting the review.

We will provide a written response within 20 working days of your Stage 2 complaint being acknowledged. If this is going to take longer, we will contact you to let you know when you can expect to hear from us.


If you are still unhappy

If you remain dissatisfied with both responses, you have the right to ask the Housing Ombudsman to investigate the matter. The Housing Ombudsman can investigate complaints about how NPH has done something or failed to do something.

Their contact details are: