Give us feedback

We value all types of customer feedback

We encourage all comments or suggestions you may have to help us review and improve our services. Simply use our online form to send us your feedback.

Compliment and comments

If we have impressed you by providing a good service, or completing a job well, please let us know.  We always make sure that your compliment gets back to the individual or team concerned.  Compliments let us know that we are doing a good job and help us to understand the things that matter to you. 


We always strive to deliver an outstanding service, but realise that there may be occasions when things go wrong.  If you are not happy with the service you have received, you can let us know by making a complaint .  It gives us with an opportunity to put things right and helps us to review and improve our services.

See our leaflet for a quick guide on our complaints process and our complaint and feedback policy for more detail. Click here for the Complaints Leaflet in large print.

NPH’s process follows the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code and we annually self-assess against the Code.

Request for service

If you wish to request a service, please visit our home page where you can access a number of services, such as requesting a repair.  However, if you are not sure who to contact you can contact us and we will ensure that your request gets to the right person for you.