Learn something new

Resident training programme

We're always looking for opportunities to support residents with wellbeing and personal development. Using feedback from involved residents about learning and development and the type of course they would like to see, we've developed a resident training programme. 

We've worked with teams at NPH and partner organisations to offer opportunities, which offer all sorts of courses including:

  • Learn to cook healthy food from scratch;
  • Tell you more about getting involved with NPH; and
  • Learn something to help you get back into work. 

Some of the courses are delivered online, but we understand that not everyone can access wi-fi or a suitable device. Don't worry, we can help you with that. Just let us know when you're signing up for the course and we will make arrangements for you to join in. 

If you'd like to book onto a course or find out more you can check for recent courses on this webpage, contact our friendly resident involvement team on 01604 527073 or getinvolved@nph.org.uk

Meet Lorraine

NPH tenant Lorraine attended one of our free ICT training courses, this is what she had to say.