Who we are
Happy To Help is a social enterprise subsidiary of NPH. Our aim is to improve the health, wellbeing, economy, environment and availability of opportunity for the benefit of NPH residents and their communities.
What we do:
- Help some of our residents with furniture, white goods and essential items such as kettles, crockery and bedding.
- Offer residents help with de-cluttering their homes when they're referred by a housing support officer.
- Provide volunteering and training opportunities through our Paint Shop in Kings Heath to help with confidence, skills and keeping people active and included.
- Give small grants and support to residents and community groups through the Communities Fund to help make a positive difference.
- Provide services to help vulnerable NPH residents to live independently, such as helping with gardening and odd jobs around the home.
Want to get involved?
There are a number of ways that you can get involved:
- Follow NPH on Facebook @NPHConnect or Twitter @NPH_news, to stay up to date with the positive impact that Happy To Help are creating in Northampton.
- Volunteer to help out in our Paint Shop in Kings Heath.
- Apply to our Communities Fund to support your resident or community group. Find out more about our Communites Fund below.
The Happy To Help Communities Fund offers funding and support to community groups, projects and causes in Northampton.
Since 2018 we’ve provided funding to 26 groups across Northampton, from local resident groups to the county’s Toy Library. We’ve funded running and room hire costs, trips out for youth groups and senior citizens, catering costs for drumming groups and ‘knit n natters’ and support for local food banks.
Groups can apply for funding or for items of value of up to £300. If your group and its activities have a positive impact on the lives of NPH residents, we’d love to hear from you. Simply complete the online application form or contact us if you’d like to discuss your application before applying.
Don’t worry if you’ve not applied for funding before – we want to make it as easy as possible. If we think we can help, we’ll work with you to see if we can make it happen, so don’t be put off by the application form – contact us for a chat. You can get in touch by emailing happytohelp@nph.org.uk or calling 01604 527073.
Applications for Happy to Help’s Communities Fund are open all year.