NPH's approach to tackling damp and mould

News Date: 
Monday, November 28, 2022

We are reaching out to you, our valued residents, to let you know how we’re currently dealing with the issue of damp, mould and condensation and what we’ve been working on throughout this year to make our approach more effective and proactive. 

We want to let you know how we’re currently dealing with the issue of damp, mould and condensation and what we’ve been working on throughout this year to make our approach more effective and proactive.

Firstly, we acknowledge that unfortunately some of the homes we manage can be affected by damp, and that we can’t resolve this overnight. We take our responsibility to provide you with a safe home extremely seriously and we want to hear from you if you have concerns.

Mould is either:

  • The result of damp penetration, which is caused by property structure issues; or
  • Caused by condensation, which is the result of lack of air movement, ventilation and heating.

We also know that the situation with rising fuel costs is likely to mean that some residents can’t afford to adequately heat their home, which increases the risk of condensation and as a result, mould occurring this winter.

In May, we invited our resident scrutiny panel to carry out a review of how we deal with reports of damp, mould and condensation. We also encouraged residents to respond to the Housing Ombudsman review of the issue across the social housing sector. It’s important that residents are involved when we review any of the important issues that affect the services we provide.

We will be surveying homes where we consider the risk of damp, mould and condensation to be high, and any homes where mould issues have been reported. These surveys will help identify how we can best address the problem and support residents to prevent damp, mould and condensation. This includes carrying out the necessary work to deal with any existing issues.

Colleagues who visit residents in their homes have been trained to spot and report damp, mould and condensation. They will also advise and support residents to do everything they can do to reduce moisture in the home.

If you report damp, mould and condensation to us, we promise to:

  • Listen to you and treat you respectfully;
  • Consider the impact the issue is having on your health and wellbeing;
  • Work with you to help reduce moisture in your home
  • Keep records of your report and agree the next steps with you; and
  • Refer you to additional support services if needed.

If you're struggling to heat your home, or have other issues with damp, mould and condensation, please contact us on 0300 3307003. You can also find some helpful advice on our cost of living pages.